Review Retro Pay
This window enables you to review and approve (release), or reverse individual transactions within a Retro Header.
Set-up for this Screen
Retro Pay ID from the Create Retro Pay screen
Screen and Field Information
This section details the different parts and fields of the screen.

Retro Batches can only be viewed by users who should have access to these records. The security is performed through the validation on the combination of Payrun Environment and Security Profile assigned to the user accessing the records, restricting the Retro Batches available in the Search Results List.

With Payrun Environment and Security Profile: The Search Results List will only display Retro Batches whose employees are within the Payrun Environment and Security Profile of the user performing the search.
No Payrun Environment: In the event when there is no Payrun Environment selected, the only restriction applied is based on the Security Profile. Thus, if the user has no Payrun Environment selected and only has a Security Profile attached, the user will then be allowed to view records that match the user's Security Profile.
However, if a Batch contains employees who are part of the user's Security Profile and also employees who are outside of the user's Security Profile, the Batch will not be displayed in the Search Results List.
No Security Profile: In the event when there is no Security Profile, the only restriction applied is based on the Payrun Environment. Hence, if there is no Security Profile assigned to the user and only the Payrun Environment is specified, the Search Results displayed will match the search Criteria as well as the Payrun Group linked to the user's Environment.
No Payrun Environment and Security Profile: If the user has not specified a Payrun Environment and has no Security Profile assigned or the Security Profile includes all employees, the user will have access to all created Retro Batches as long as they match the Search Criteria.
Select which Retro Pay to approve by clicking the check-box on the left side of a record.
- Click the group row or the Expand
icon to display additional information (i.e. Period End date) that are not in the summary row. The Collapse
button, on the other hand, will hide these details.
- Click the box on the left to select the record for approval. Once ticked, the statuses for the check-box on the group level and the check-box in the column header will change accordingly:
- Click on the check-box next to the Employee ID and Employee Name to select all records within the group. Once this check-box is ticked, all the check-boxes within the group will be ticked as well.
- Click on the check-box in the column header to select all records in the list/table.
- The check-boxes in the column header, group level, and record level can also be clicked to deselect record(s).

This saves any changes you performed on the selected record.

This refreshes the current record.

This button opens the drill-down window allowing you to review and select individual summary records.

This screen has 4 Statuses (Completed, Released, Generated, All) to: (a) inform you how many transactions are in each state and give you understanding on where the underlying records sit in the process, and (b) allow you to quickly change the view of the browse list to target specific records based on that status (i.e. clicking a status auto saves the current selections and filters the list to show only records that meet the criteria).
The check-boxes are valid for Generated and Released statuses. When the status is Completed, the check-boxes are disabled. Selecting the higher level check-box has no effect on these disabled records.
Retro transactions in the Released status are ones that have been released, but not processed through payroll yet.

This button, when clicked, displays the Release Retro dialog box that runs the Release Backpay to Payrun process.
Once the retro transactions have been released, they will be moved to Entry via a Single Screen for pay processing, and will be displayed on the pay slips as retro transactions.
This button is enabled once at least one Generated transaction exists. If there are no Generated records, you cannot release any records.

If a retro transaction is pushed to the Entry via Single Screen, it can be withdrawn before the payroll is processed by using the Undo Release button. This button, when clicked, calls the Reverse Retro Pay Transactions that undoes the releasing of records to the Payrun.
If there is no record in Released status in your selection, this button is disabled.

This is a summary of Retro records for the selected Header that meets the status filter.
When a Retro ID has been created on the Create Retro Pays screen, this will display the employee retro details within the selected Retro ID rule.
- This can be refined through the column filter. The Filter
icon at this level displays options such Retro Type, Period End, Status (Approved, Exported, or Generated), and Employee ID.
- Columns such as Employee ID and Employee Name are hidden, by default, and can be made visible through the column menu
- The Retro Pay Value is populated when there is an adjustment. Otherwise, it is left blank to indicate non-pay change.
- The Approved Value column is populated when the $ value is approved.
- Click the icon
on the row you need to delete in order to mark the row for removal. The Action column of the browse list on Review Retro Pay is activated and the Delete button on the Toolbar is disabled.
When the transaction has a status of Completed, the Action column is disabled and thus, the row cannot be marked for removal. Any Released or Completed transaction cannot be deleted.
You can mark for deletion any transaction (i.e. that is not Completed) at the Employee Level. The icon
indicates that the records have been marked for removal where clicking the Save button will delete the marked transactions (i.e. clicking the delete icon and clicking save, the deleted record can no longer be regenerated). Conversely, clicking the icon
will undo the mark for removal.
- If you need to delete the entire entry (i.e. Retro Pay ID), go to the Create Retro Pays window and delete the corresponding Retro Pay ID record.
You can change the grouping of transactions, aside from the default grouping by ID Number and Full Name, via clicking the drop-down arrow on a selected field in this browselist:
Group by this Field - You can change the grouping and arrange transactions by a selected field in this browselist at any time via this option.
If you want to save the modified grouping to make use of this every time the screen is accessed, then you may choose the Save Layout option to save this modified grouping based on your selected field.
Group by Default - This option allows you to go back to the original grouping (i.e. by ID Number and Full Name) if you are in a modified grouping.
This option is disabled when the browselist is already in the default grouping.
Reset Grouping - You can use this option if for example, there is a Saved Layout and you made changes to it, clicking the Reset Grouping option reverts the layout back to the Saved Layout and not the Default Layout.

This Period Transactions Drilldown window allows the review and selection of individual summary records. The details displayed here are filtered by the selected employee, and the grouping criteria and status filter set on Review Retro Pay's main window.
When a reversed or recalculated transaction is against a Role, the Role Code column will be available and visible by default.
You can select the items to be actioned upon at this level and adjust the editable values. However, changing the status cannot be performed here.
- Click the icon
on the row you need to delete in order to mark the row for removal. The Action column of the browse list on Review Retro Pay is activated and the Delete button on the Toolbar is disabled.
When the transaction has a status of Completed, the Action column is disabled and thus, the row cannot be marked for removal. Any Released or Completed transaction cannot be deleted.
You can mark for deletion any transaction (i.e. that is not Completed) at the Employee Level. The icon
indicates that the records have been marked for removal where clicking the Save button will delete the marked transactions (i.e. clicking the delete icon and clicking save, the deleted record can no longer be regenerated). Conversely, clicking the icon
will undo the mark for removal.
- If you need to delete the entire entry (i.e. Retro Pay ID), go to the Create Retro Pays window and delete the corresponding Retro Pay ID record.
Double clicking on a row or clicking Drilldown on the Toolbar opens another drilldown window called Hours or A/D code Transaction Detail Drilldown in Read-Only mode displaying the details of each transaction.
Rules and Guidelines
- The initial search is done using the Retro ID created on the Create Retro Pay window.
- Editing can be performed within subsequent drilldowns.
- Note that this screen is read-only when Payrun is In Progress.
- The availability of Retro Batches in the Search Results List is restricted by the combination of Payrun Environment and Security Profile assigned to the user accessing the records.
- This screen uses Group By for the browse list. The grouping is based on the Employee ID.
When the tri-state check box is ticked within the header, all transactions are ticked. Individual check boxes can be ticked or unticked throughout this screen (all levels), and the transaction will get saved upon clicking the Save button.
- Once retro transactions have been approved and release, they will be moved to Entry via Single Screen for pay processing, and will be displayed on the pay slips as retro transactions, and taxed over the YTD values.